The Pastel Sky Bouquet is the perfect way to spread a little joy. Its beautiful combination of pastel pink, lilac, and champagne creates a soothing, comforting atmosphere, ideal for celebrations or to brighten someone's day. An elegant, thoughtful present for special occasions.
Approx Dimensions: 60cm (H) x 36cm (W)
Flowers in Bouquet: Preserved Rose, Preserved Mini Garden Rose, Sola Flowers, Handmade Wood Flower, Preserved Bell Flower, Premium Faux Flowers, Preserved Hydrangea, Dried foliage and Preserved filler flowers.
Kindly note that preserved flowers can last for varying periods of time, from weeks to months or years depending on the environment.
In hot and humid climates like Singapore, preserved roses may soften and loses colour quicker. To extend their lifespan, avoid exposing them to direct sunlight and keep them away from windows and humid areas.
For more information on how to care for your preserved flowers, check out our FAQ page.